The Story

Jordan Victor Brown Bio


To know me, you need to know about my grandmother, Vernell; who was born in Smithfield Virginia in 1938. She was the unwavering secretary at Good Samaritan Hospital for 35 years. She taught me the fundamentals of work: a mistake at the end of the process, is still a mistake, so slow down. Pay attention to what’s in front of you. Cross every t, dot every i are words I’ll never forget. Her tough love, mentorship, and guidance were everything I needed growing up. She was my rock to say the least. She wanted me to be whatever I wanted to be, as long as I worked hard.

A few years ago, on a visit back home, I walked into her house, called for her, and she was silent. Granny had never been quiet when I was around. But that day she looked at me and asked, "Who are you?" My Aunt said, "It’s ok, she just doesn’t remember you, Jordan". For me, disbelief turned into devastation. It took time for me to realize that the grandmother I had known for decades was gone— or was she? I now understand Granny’s memory is gone. While her memory left, her teachings, wisdom and all she instilled will forever live on. As I navigate this world, I want to bring her original essence to others just as she did for me.

Growing up in Baltimore Maryland, there were few examples of how I wanted to live my life. Guns, violence, and struggle were present in the city. However, I did find joy and refuge in the comfort of gospel music in church, and musical theatre at The Arena Players Youth Theatre in Baltimore.

While attending Hamilton Middle School, I started singing R&B and pop. I would host concerts, invite neighbors, and tried to channel the likes of Ella Fitzgerald and Phillis Hymn. It didn’t matter if people showed up or not; I always showed up because I knew I had made a commitment and I would honor that. This persistence led me to the Baltimore School for the Arts which built a firmer foundation throughout my high school years musically and emotionally, nurturing the confidence and drive to audition for Morgan State University at age eighteen. Following my wonderful years at Morgan, I was afforded the opportunity to move to Czech Republic for one year as a member of an opera company. After, I moved to Paris, a city I only saw on TV and in movies. It was a joy to have spent two years in that beautiful city, falling in love with all the jazz I heard in cafes & music venues.

My visa was to expire and I was between heading back home or continuing my studies.
Berklee College of Music, located in Boston Massachusetts was at the forefront of my list of Colleges. I had heard of this spectacular college however, also heard it was beyond difficult to enter. I pulled from the teachings of my Grandmother and went for it. Eventually, I attended Berklee College, whose founding was based on music of the African Diaspora. I studied Vocal Performance and Music Business, absorbing all I could about the contemporary music industry, including the gospel music that helped save me as a child in Baltimore.

One need only look to any musical performance to see the clear overlap of the contemporary music industry and fashion. Having always been interested in design and styling, I began working at Click Model Management in Boston Massachusetts as a talent agent. Before long, I was promoted to lead agent over the women's division in New York City. Following my year and a half run with Click, I went on to start my six-year journey at Louis Vuitton North America, working my way to Client Relations Director. Having created, developed and started new business ventures within Louis Vuitton, when the opportunity presented itself to create and develop the new Diesel Black Gold store in Soho, New York, I felt prepared and ready to take on the challenge. It was during my time at Diesel Black Gold, when I found myself receiving lots of calls, texts, and emails asking me to come on-board at other set-up brands to assist. I thought, I have a gift for this...

While building relationships in the Soho area of NY, I met the VP of Chloe'. I recall her saying "I would like your energy at our company". I accepted the role as Client Relations Director at Chloe’ (Richemont North America). After one year of rolling out the new Client Relations program in New York, I was transferred to California to work in the West Hollywood Chloe’ location where I worked with industry greats. After four years at Chloé, I was convinced by several faithful clients that I should step out on faith, follow my gut and work to diversify and more fully develop my own brand as a consultant to help other creatives start their dream business. In 2019, when asked to help start & develop The Sutton Concept, I took on the exciting work of building a successful brand in the Beverly Hills community of high-end luxury boutiques.

I’ve shared my gifts with a wide range of customers and clients, from people seeking consultation on wardrobe and personal styling, to the design and startup of boutique-style establishments world-wide. My career, education, tenacity, and talent led me to realize that it was time to create a design and fashion business consulting service for creatives who want to navigate the industry with the class, integrity, and resolution of my grandmother, Vernell.