Not Every Month Need Be Stressful


Happy April 2024 JVB Consults Readers!

With Q1 behind us, I’m certain many of us are simply exhausted from the start-of-the year check-list. By now (Q2), your business should be running like a well-oiled machine and you should have your ‘Dream Team’ in place. That said, as I was thinking of what to write about this month, I thought about how not every month should be stressful and require/demand so much of our attention. Additionally, not filled with so much over-thinking. 

Quarter Two is a great time (for most businesses) to focus on a vacation, or embarking on conferences or seminars which will allow for recharging and expanding the creative mind. Traditionally, at the start of Q2, businesses are a little slower than normal and there is nothing outstanding due from a compliance standpoint. While owners may occasionally step away, it's the dedicated staff who remain the lifeline of the company, ensuring that operations continue to run seamlessly in the absence of high-level management.

That said, this is where the spotlight shifts to the heroes ‘behind the scenes’. From the CEO, COO, CFO, CPA, HR, Office Receptionist, Personal Assistant(s), Sales Team, Directors, Managers (list goes on). They all help/contribute in some capacity. Every role serves an important purpose within the workplace— adding that special value to the daily workflow in their own way. 

I understand that in the daily hustle and bustle of work, the importance of team building and employee recognition may often be overlooked. But, it is important that these elements form the foundation of a cohesive and high-performing team. With that in mind, by engaging in off-the-job activities, be it having dinner at a favorite restaurant or collectively experiencing an educational venture together, colleagues have the opportunity to connect and bond on a personal level. This fosters long-lasting friendship and mutual respect, ultimately leading to a greater working environment.

Moreover, it is important to celebrate the small victories and the behind-the-scenes efforts that often go unnoticed. Not everything has to be a Grand Celebration; you’d be surprised how much joy and gratitude a Thank You or a heartfelt note makes a difference. They serve as a reminder that every contribution, no matter how small, is valued and essential to the success of the overall business.

In essence, while business owners may be the face of the company, it's the employee(s) who are the heart & soul of the business. And just as we care for our physical appearance, it's equally important to nurture the inside as well. Without the dedication, passion, and hard work of employees, a business cannot thrive— Period. Therefore, it's essential to value and cherish their contributions, ensuring a harmonious and flourishing work environment for all.

Have Fun This Month! 

Until Next Time,

Be Kind With Yourself. Be Patient With Yourself.

All My Best,




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