Do’s & Dont’s To Consider


Happy May 2024 JVB Consults Readers!

This month, I want to speak to all my new Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.

Myself and the JVB Consults Team received a lot of inquiries last month surrounding What To Do & Next Steps after establishing their Business. Of course, every plan-of-action will be different as it pertains to YOUR Business. However, as my team and I met throughout the month, there were common questions asked over and over again. These observations led me to think about this month’s Monthly Motivation. 

The below Do’s & Dont’s are suggestive.

You may find useful/helpful tools that you can apply to your business as you continue to scale higher throughout the 2024 calendar year. 

Consider This Analogy: Think of your new Business like preparing a meal for the first time to a group of your friends. Some would admit the meal was bland, run-of-the- mill— merely serving the purpose of sustenance. Others may say the meal was downright distasteful, leaving one wondering why anyone would even consider indulging. And then, there are those who might say the meal resembled a five-star course.

After hearing everyone’s feedback about the meal, now you have three different opinions and must decipher which to hold on to and which to consider for preparation for the next meal. Just like with all feedback, you gather what you need and forget about the rest. When preparing your next meal for friends, consider their feedback and suggested ingredients for the meal— which ultimately leads to it being more enjoyable for all. 

With that analogy in mind, let’s make it make sense in comparison to your Business. Truly, only you know the ingredients you’ll need to use to make your meal a staple. You want to alter certain ingredients, but some should always remain in the foundation of your preparation. It will be that very ingredient that makes your meal have that unforgettable taste that one couldn’t find elsewhere.  

Consider This Do: Spice Up Your Marketing & Branding

Ditching cookie-cutter approaches in favor of inventive strategies allows your brand to break through the noise. Even if by a little, it’s more than what some businesses out there are doing.  Use spices that no one has heard of and can’t find anywhere. It will leave businesses & entities asking you where to find those very spices. Trust Me, others will start to wonder why your business is starting to scale like never before. 

Consider This Don’t: Don’t Bite More Than You Can Chew

Start Small! Focus on achievable goals, and gradually scale up as your business grows. Remember, Rome was not built in one day and neither will your business.

Consider This Do: Craft The Perfect Recipe For Your Business

I Cannot Stress This Enough—All Businesses should have a 5-Year Plan! 

If you start cooking without a guide, you may succeed if you’re preparing the same meal over and over again. However, what happens when you need to prepare a meal you’ve never prepared before? What happens if a client asks you to prepare a meal that requires dietary restrictions? Where do you pull that information from? It’s important to always have a reference guide in-place as it prepares your business for any unforeseen request(s). 

Consider This Don’t: Do Not Become Overwhelmed By The Many Flavors 

Focus on the right amount of clarity and simplicity. Ensuring that each element of your Marketing and Branding effort complements your business, rather than competes with other businesses. Stay in YOUR line and keep looking forward. It takes more energy to look behind you and see where others are. Keep looking ahead. 

Consider This Don't: Never Serve Half-Baked Ideas

Just as under-cooked food disappoints, so do half-baked ideas. They can fail to make an impact. Take the time to fully develop and refine your concepts before sharing them with your audience. Attention to detail and thorough preparation are the ingredients for success.


Bonus Point: Don´t Get Lost In The Sauce

Don't lose sight of your long-term vision and goals. Stay focused! Prioritize your tasks, and remember why you started this journey in the first place. Some months will be slower than others. Some months with no revenue and others will be golden. That's how life and business is, and there is no way to avoid it. But, that’s a different topic for a different month.

Until Next Time,

Be Kind With Yourself. Be Patient With Yourself. 

All My Best, 




Expand, Downsize, or Maintain?


Not Every Month Need Be Stressful