Drive With Trusted People


Happy August JVB Consults Readers!

It’s my hope you're enjoying the last summer-month of 2023! Truly can not believe it’s that time to refocus our energy and get back to reality. No more summer Fridays and long weekends, sadly.

With refocus in mind, this month; I wanted to write about the importance of hiring and/or restructuring. If you're like me, you’re probably juggling a ton, have a lot on your plate/mind & most certainly have a calendar full of deadlines. While I can admit I do well under pressure, I also can agree, it’s definitely not the healthiest habit to possess.

When starting JVB Consults three years ago, I felt the need to stay on top of everything, have my hand on every moving part of the business, take every call, attend every meeting, attend every networking event etc. leaving myself no time to be creative, become more innovative, dive into current events and stay afloat on market trends. In my defense, staffing was limited due to the business being very new (which is often the case for many businesses). Limited funding is a common setback when first starting a new business and that mindset led me to believe burnout was very common for new business owners— Nope, not true! Often when first starting a business, we hear about networking being a must rather than acknowledging that business partnership(s) and team members are key to any business foundation. Locking in the right individuals for your team can be the best decision you’ll ever make. Not only will it alleviate so many unwanted emotions: anxiety, nervousness, fear, and most importantly self-doubt; it will also allow you to focus on what's important to keep your business relevant and moving in an upward direction.

August is the perfect month to speak about such a topic as September starts the last quarter of the year and we all could use August as a stepping block to get a head-start. We as business owners should consider taking inventory of our teams and those around us who offer any kind of business in-put. This can be: staff, attorneys, accountants, marketing team, human resources etc. Start by asking yourself basic questions and reviewing your last seven business months. Am I still on track to finish where we planned? Am I happy with my team's overall performance? Is my team just as excited as I am about the business/brand? Have I performed mid-month evaluation reviews for each team member? Have I conducted a temperature-check meeting which allows for constructive business feedback? The list goes on... What I am basically getting at: we must have team members and individuals around us daily that share our same vision, ideas, and projections. We will not always agree on ideas however, shared core-values should be held to the utmost standard of your company.

As you continue to drive and scale your business higher, consider having people in the ‘car’ whom you trust will drive at the same speed as you. Only have trusted team members in the car as you navigate the remaining five months of 2023!

Wishing you much success in this last quarter of 2023!

Until next month, Be Kind With Yourself. Be Patient With Yourself.

All My Best,




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