Navigate The Road Solo Sometimes


Happy July JVB Consults Readers!

It is always my hope that your business is thriving and moving in an upward direction!

This month [July 2024], I wanted to share the power of putting yourself first…

As you may or may not know, I spent years working in the corporate fashion industry. While I don’t regret it in any way and certainly wouldn’t take back lessons learned. There came a point in my career where I needed to shift my energy. For years, I would be awakened in the middle of the night by ideas, thoughts, and potential visions, but never knew what to do with them. In my mind [back then] all I knew was to remain laser-focused on what was in front of me and the hell with anything other than that. It’s interesting how far the world has progressed. Meaning, nowadays, if you don’t have multiple jobs or multiple streams of income, you’re considered lazy lol.

Not knowing or having the tools when growing up, I didn’t exactly know what to do with those middle-of-the-night awakening moments. The fear installed by family growing up often still echoes in the back of my mind. I recall them stating: “Creativity jobs are for children, you better never lose sight of a 9-5 job”. Unfortunately, I held on to those very words for sometime.

It wasn’t until a very stressful and very exhausting time at work that I vividly recall asking myself “how long will you continue to do what you truly dislike”? It was at that moment I realized I was only holding on to this job because of others. I now understand that their encouragement was only for their benefit and gain. This was a powerful realization because the moment I began to focus on my vision(s) and aspirations, everything started to align in the most seamless way.

By sharing my story, I hope it helps our readers realize that at any given moment, you can start over, hit the reset button, revamp, and most importantly, reinvented yourself for the betterment of YOU! Never think it’s too late… It’s Not! You keep having those reawakening moments for a reason. When they arise, write them down and put them in a safe place so when you're ready, they will be easy to tackle. Trust Me, you will know when it’s time to turn the page of life and embrace your next chapter.

I am here to tell you, it will get rough, as every transition does. However, that doesn’t mean you give up on yourself or start negative self-talk. Write down your plan and begin to hold yourself accountable to your set goal(s). And remember, Never Be Afraid To Ask For Help! You will need it… Stop putting your dream on hold because of fear and others. You must start somewhere… And maybe that somewhere is with JVB Consults. We will guide you through the process and get you moving in the right direction to ensure you are set up for success.

Until next month, Be Kind With Yourself. Be Patient With Yourself.

All My Best,




Drive With Trusted People


The Road That Led To A Dead End