Hiring Decisions…


Happy February 2024 JVB Consults Readers!

With the second month of 2024 upon us, it’s only right to unpack and discuss the importance of developing a cohesive and high-performing team as it pertains to driving your business forward and scaling even higher. Think of it like choreographing a delicate dance – a meticulous process that requires every team member to follow each step flawlessly to ensure everything is flowing harmoniously. That’s how I often envision a team to operate in the most effortless way.

When hiring or deciding on team member(s), it's not just about their skills at the moment; it's also a thoughtful forecast of how their unique contributions will blend with the collective team throughout their business journey. Many factors should be considered: personality, reputation, how resourceful they are on their own, trustworthy, loyally, commitment and most importantly, their willingness to step-in to assist other team member(s) when they feel stuck or overwhelmed.

Unspoken tensions can have ripple effects on the entire workplace. The thought of new employees not being able to adjust and problem-solve could affect the entire flow of the business. Consider This: If a business owner senses an employee's unease, it's a signal that their colleagues may also be experiencing similar sentiments. Initiating conversations to nurture a healthy working environment and delve into intricate topics is paramount. This realization underscores the importance of nurturing healthy working relationships and cultivating a well diverse culture within the business community.

Which brings me to my next consideration— it is essential to not avoid the topic of Diversity in the workplace. Avoiding this very topic not only limits the creative flow among team members, but also limits the knowledge and potential business expansion by way of not exploring the maximum capacity among your team; who [essentially] will come from different backgrounds and different walks of life. With this consideration at the forefront, remember, often times Diversity brings such a freshness and new innovative ideas to the work environment.

While navigating the hiring process is hard, terminating decisions do present a greater challenge. In these pivotal moments, it becomes imperative to meticulously consider the needs of your business. Beyond individual skill evaluations, it involves anticipating how a departure will impact the team as a whole. This decision-making process, though demanding, influences the trajectory of your business by shaping the interactions among the remaining team members.

In closing, always remember the importance of Delivery— no matter the decision. It is key and it sets the tone and shapes the impact of the message. In this regard, a possible Human Resources representative becomes the essential "middle person." They bridge the gap, facilitating the flow of insights from the team to the business owner. Sometimes, employees find it challenging to express their feelings directly to the owner, or vice versa, making HR the crucial mediator. In the end, it's about taking both the applause and the criticism and applying them in order to create a crescendo of continuous improvement.

Until Next Time,

Be Kind With Yourself. Be Patient With Yourself.

All My Best,




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