New Year, New Us!…


Happy New Year JVB Consults Readers!

As we usher into this New Year, the air is charged with the promise of fresh starts and brand-new ideas. I’ve always heard the phrase "New Year, New Me”— which also can be applied to business! However, in the midst of this excitement, it's crucial to distinguish between the path of fantasy and the one that truly paves the way for success.

As January 2024 begins, try to set realistic and tangible goals, the allure of grand visions often overshadows the importance of setting achievable goals. While ambition is commendable, realistic goals provide a roadmap for progress. Break down your overarching vision into specific, measurable, and time-bound objectives. This approach not only fosters clarity but also minimizes the anxiety associated with overwhelming, unachievable abstract targets.

For me, one goal I will immediately implement among our JVB Consults team, is the importance of work-life balance. It's essential to acknowledge and address anxiety and mental health at the work place. All can be easily controlled with the acknowledgement of work-life balance.

In 2024, it will be my continued mission to create an environment where mental health is a priority. Many studies have shown colleagues are less stressed, frustrated and annoyed by the thought of their work load when mental health is top priority. To learn more information about All Things Mental Health, feel free to visit our foundation social media page: @JVBCaresFoundation. There you will find resources and further knowledge on this very topic. It was a long overdue passion of mine to develop this Foundation to help those individuals looking to start their Mental Health journey; a safe place to visit and gather information on where to start. In addition, the foundation rests on the belief that taking care of one's mental health is paramount not only to early development but also every aspect of life.

As Business Owners, although we are the face of our business ventures, we are certainly not immune to the challenges of entrepreneurship. Beyond individual well-being, business owners play a pivotal role in creating a healthy workplace culture. Recognizing the importance of leading by example. A leader's mental well-being not only influences their decision-making, but, sets the tone for the entire team.

By openly acknowledging and addressing mental health, business owners pave the way for a culture that values the holistic well-being of each team member. This commitment goes beyond the bottom line—it creates a community where individuals feel seen, heard, and supported; ultimately contributing to the sustained success of the business.

Wishing You & Your Teams A Great Start To The Year. Filled With Balance, Prosperity, & Well-Being!

Until Next Time,

Be Kind With Yourself. Be Patient With Yourself.

All My Best,




Hiring Decisions…


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