The Road That Led To A Dead End


When first launching this amazing idea for Monthly Motivations I thought, I’ll have time or definitely find the time every month to sit with myself and compose a blog that would be filled with lessons learned, experiences and so much more. It was my hope to share inspirational and uplifting stories we all could reference from time-to-time, whenever we found running our business(es) challenging. Not for one moment did I think or imagine life would take a turn so quickly. So-Much-So—Monthly Motivations became Monthly-NOT-Motived.

Around the time I launched JVB Consults, all was well and looking great from the Entrepreneurial lens. I had (what seemed to be) everything outlined, everything written out well and even had a timeline in place which I told myself I would reply on and stick to no matter what. Much to my surprise, that wasn’t the case. Any and everything started to fall apart the month after launching. Is this common? Is this normal? I had so many questions. I just knew I had everything worked out perfectly and set-up properly. What went wrong? When beginning this business venture, I recall many individuals stating “this road gets tough, and when it does, reach out”. I never second-guessed those words because I authentically thought the World of Entrepreneurship was a pool of supportive individuals that wanted to see the best from everyone. Whelp, as I began to reach-out in an effort to gain support and guidance, Oh. My. Word. The excuses, disappointment and lack of support received was simply unmatched. I thought, this is the side of Entrepreneurship no one ever speaks about...

While I did find it difficult to navigate and secure the answers needed, I wouldn’t change the process for nothing. Although, I also knew the process warranted me to speak on this topic which often goes unvoiced. Just having spent the past twelve months recovering, reflecting, replenishing, re-charging and reigniting that sparkle I once had when first starting this journey; I am beyond grateful to vocalize that I have taken that sparkle back and have not been happier!

Please Understand, No One. Absolutely, No One can ever take your joy and light you foresee for your business. It will get challenging. It will feel lonely. It will require strength you thought you never had. It will require you to be vulnerable and reach out to people only for them to let you down. The list goes on… If you’re feeling this way, please know it’s the process. You're not wired. You're not crazy and definitely don’t give up! Stay In The Race. Keep Going. Keep Fighting. Take each day at a time. Celebrate the small accomplishments, for those are the ones that matter. You will most likely have to pat yourself on the back. You may have to celebrate alone but it will be all worth it in the end.

If ever you feel alone, or simply need a non-biased opinion, JVB Consults is here to help you work through all the clutter. Don’t be shy to reach out, we all need guidance and reassurance to keep going on this difficult road called Entrepreneurship.

Until Next Month, Stay Strong & Remember Your Worth!




Navigate The Road Solo Sometimes


While Navigating The Road