We Made It To December!


Happy December JVB Consults Readers!

As the end of this year approaches rapidly and amidst all the festivities and family-time, it is important to find an opportunity to pause, reflect, recalibrate, and replenish. For the last eleven months, we as business owners and entrepreneurs spent those months trying to navigate everything, tirelessly working to make as much as we could perfection. We strive for success, all while ensuring revenue streams were on track. We were managing employees, in-sane schedules, meetings, zoom/phone calls, travel and most importantly, trying to find the time to create. It's a constant effort to maintain the delicate balance that keeps our businesses flourishing. With that said, here’s to a well-deserved break— one I truly hope you will take advantage of.

In the relentless pursuit to stay busy, it's easy to overlook the importance of taking a break. The end of November and the entire December arrives as a gentle reminder that it's okay to relax and rejuvenate all while surrounding yourself around loved ones, chosen family and friends. It's a time to let go of the stress, the perpetual quest for perfection, and to allow the creative mind to expand beyond the confines of routine problem-solving.

While the responsibilities may seem never-ending, granting yourself the permission to take a break is crucial. The continuous demands of professional life can take a toll on both the physical and mental well-being. Allowing moments of respite provides an opportunity to recharge, refocus, and return to tasks with a fresh perspective. It's not merely an indulgence; it's a strategic decision and a must.

December is not just a month of festivities; it's a month of replenishment and preparation for the upcoming year. By allowing yourself this period of respite, you enter the new year with a renewed sense of energy and creativity. It's a strategic investment in your well-being and the well-being of your business and those on your team.

As the year draws to a close, take a breath, embrace the warmth of December, and allow yourself the gift of rejuvenation. In doing so, you set the stage for a prosperous and fulfilling journey in the year ahead.

Here's to a well-deserved break and a vibrant start to the new year.

Until Next Time,

Be Kind With Yourself. Be Patient With Yourself.

All My Best,




New Year, New Us!…


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